Tag Archives: crooked

Why is Everything Political?

No matter what is happening in the world, it always comes back to being political in America. The days of caring about people and ideas are long gone, now we live in the days of lining up with a party.

Here I sit, an American who loves his country and the people around me. I do not line up with either political party. I feel like I’m not alone in this problem.

“Regular” people are sick and tired of it. We want legislators that care about what’s best for us and our country, not what is politically expedient for their careers.

I believe there is no one left in politics in either party that gives a flying flip about their constituents. They use their base to get elected and then stop caring.

It reminds me of how teachers are State employees when it is convenient for politicians. The rest of the time we are expendable and useless.

Unless you are already rich, you can’t even run with a chance of winning. And try being honest? You’ll be laughed out of the arena.

There is a war going on in Europe, but all our leaders want to talk about is how everything is the fault of the former administration and not their fault.

They will smile and tell you how much better everything is, even as the World is falling apart right in front of us. There is no actual compassion for our fellow man.

The older I get, the more I realize what a joke all our politicians are. I hate to be the one to break this news to you, but none of them care about you. At all.

Even if you die, there is a chance they can still cast a vote for you. Being elected is much more important than compassion or decency or truth.

The cynic in me believes that this is never going to change. The realist in me knows that to be true. The hopeful side of me is long gone.

It is up to you and me to effect our world, not the clowns pretending to govern us. As more of us figure this out, the world might actually become a more civil place again.

I pray you still have some hope left. Get out there everyday and be the difference in someone’s life. WE can still change the world, in spite of the jokers in “charge” of the country.