Monthly Archives: March 2022

Writers Block

In all my years of writing and podcasting I have learned that writers block is indeed a real thing. There are times that I have no idea what to write or talk about.

Being that this blog is done for entertainment and not for a job, I can just wait till it passes. I don’t have to worry about deadlines or paychecks.

Sometimes that makes it difficult to come up with topics to discuss with you all. Other times that makes it easy, just talk about what I want to.

Also, it makes it easier for me to avoid topics that I do not want to discuss like politics and the Yankees. Being your own boss without deadlines has its advantages.

However it is not all fun and games. I have referenced the story I have been writing on this site for years, and it took me far longer than it should have to complete the first draft.

With no one to check in on me or ask me about it, I sometimes went months or even more than a year without writing anything. Makes it difficult to keep a train of thought.

In trying to come up with my article for this week, my ideas were limited which is why it is about writers block. Sometimes you just have to be real with everyone.

I believe that deadlines are good things. They help the world go around. Also, some information needs to get out there in a timely manner.

I write about sports on my other site, and there are some stories that I just flat out miss. I don’t have the time to do the story justice.

In conclusion I thought I would drop some gems of wisdom from other authors on writers block. Enjoy.

“When you face writer’s block, just lower your standards and keep going.” — Sandra Tsing Loh

“You can’t think yourself out of a writing block; you have to write yourself out of a thinking block.” — John Rogers

“Writer’s block is only a failure of the ego.” — Norman Mailer

Ideas are strange and temperamental things. We all have them, and sometimes we need to write them down, even if we think that we are blocked.

The Difficulty of Change

Change is never easy. People get comfortable with where they are or what they are doing.

I started thinking about this today as Tom Brady decided he is now un-retired and back with the Tampa Bay Buccaneers. Stepping away from something you have been doing your entire life can’t be easy.

We seem to be built for consistency. I know that I have been in the same job going on 8 years now. It hasn’t always been easy or good, but sometimes it is easier than trying to find something else and inviting change.

But back to Brady. Professional athletes seem to have the most difficult time letting go.

I can understand it. The fame, the money, the competition, the drive that the good ones have.

No matter what you personal opinion of Tom Brady is, he is one of the best to ever play the game. Also, he will be 45 next season.

When I was 45 I couldn’t even get out of bed without grunting and groaning. Yet Brady is still playing football.

So why do we find it difficult to accept change? I know for me, I am an extreme creature of habit.

I get up around the same time everyday. I leave for work around the same time, eat the same things for breakfast, do the same routines all day at my job.

There is a comfort to routine. We like to be comfortable, feel like we are in the zone.

People have stayed in horrible situations before simply because they did not want to make a change. All of us have accepted we weren’t totally happy about for the sake of not changing.

Sometimes change is necessary. Often it is required. Usually, for me, change is something I fight longer than I should.

Only time will tell if Tom Brady is waiting too long to retire. So far it sure doesn’t look that way.

Do you like change? Let me know why or why not on Twitter, Facebook or in the comment section below.

Why is Everything Political?

No matter what is happening in the world, it always comes back to being political in America. The days of caring about people and ideas are long gone, now we live in the days of lining up with a party.

Here I sit, an American who loves his country and the people around me. I do not line up with either political party. I feel like I’m not alone in this problem.

“Regular” people are sick and tired of it. We want legislators that care about what’s best for us and our country, not what is politically expedient for their careers.

I believe there is no one left in politics in either party that gives a flying flip about their constituents. They use their base to get elected and then stop caring.

It reminds me of how teachers are State employees when it is convenient for politicians. The rest of the time we are expendable and useless.

Unless you are already rich, you can’t even run with a chance of winning. And try being honest? You’ll be laughed out of the arena.

There is a war going on in Europe, but all our leaders want to talk about is how everything is the fault of the former administration and not their fault.

They will smile and tell you how much better everything is, even as the World is falling apart right in front of us. There is no actual compassion for our fellow man.

The older I get, the more I realize what a joke all our politicians are. I hate to be the one to break this news to you, but none of them care about you. At all.

Even if you die, there is a chance they can still cast a vote for you. Being elected is much more important than compassion or decency or truth.

The cynic in me believes that this is never going to change. The realist in me knows that to be true. The hopeful side of me is long gone.

It is up to you and me to effect our world, not the clowns pretending to govern us. As more of us figure this out, the world might actually become a more civil place again.

I pray you still have some hope left. Get out there everyday and be the difference in someone’s life. WE can still change the world, in spite of the jokers in “charge” of the country.