The Difficulty of Change

Change is never easy. People get comfortable with where they are or what they are doing.

I started thinking about this today as Tom Brady decided he is now un-retired and back with the Tampa Bay Buccaneers. Stepping away from something you have been doing your entire life can’t be easy.

We seem to be built for consistency. I know that I have been in the same job going on 8 years now. It hasn’t always been easy or good, but sometimes it is easier than trying to find something else and inviting change.

But back to Brady. Professional athletes seem to have the most difficult time letting go.

I can understand it. The fame, the money, the competition, the drive that the good ones have.

No matter what you personal opinion of Tom Brady is, he is one of the best to ever play the game. Also, he will be 45 next season.

When I was 45 I couldn’t even get out of bed without grunting and groaning. Yet Brady is still playing football.

So why do we find it difficult to accept change? I know for me, I am an extreme creature of habit.

I get up around the same time everyday. I leave for work around the same time, eat the same things for breakfast, do the same routines all day at my job.

There is a comfort to routine. We like to be comfortable, feel like we are in the zone.

People have stayed in horrible situations before simply because they did not want to make a change. All of us have accepted we weren’t totally happy about for the sake of not changing.

Sometimes change is necessary. Often it is required. Usually, for me, change is something I fight longer than I should.

Only time will tell if Tom Brady is waiting too long to retire. So far it sure doesn’t look that way.

Do you like change? Let me know why or why not on Twitter, Facebook or in the comment section below.